Dvoretsky: School of Chess Excelence 1 - Endgame Analysis

Dvoretsky: School of Chess Excelence 1 - Endgame Analysis


Inkl. Steuern. Steuern werden beim Bezahlprozess berechnet


Autor: Dworetski, Mark
Verlag: Olms
Erscheinungsjahr: 2002
Sprache: Englisch
Buchumschlag: paperback
Seiten: 260

Mark Dvoretsky is regarded as the leading chess coach in the world, and in this series of books he reveals the training methods that have transformed so many of his pupils into champions. This first title is devoted to the endgame and examines a wide range of positions, taken mainly from games of the author’s pupils. The comments are packed with practical advice and special test positions and frequent questions ensure that the reader’s participation in the book is an active one.


“It’s the sort of book that really makes me want to analyse endings, which is not a feeling I have that often nowadays! There are many amazing examples … A fabulous book, and exceptionally readable, and it’s good for you as well! Need I say more?”
This book is also available in the German edition under the title Geheimnisse gezielten Schachtrainings.

260 Seiten, kartoniert, 3. Auflage 2002